How to build equity

The best way to get a return on your home investment is by building equity. Check out some of the resources below to learn more about building equity and getting a high return.

Home Equity Calculator

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5 Home Improvement Projects that Build Equity

Tips on How to Build Equity in Your Home & Enhance Everyday Life

Have you been thinking about upgrading your home but are not sure how to do it or what to do? That’s alright. People struggle with that every day. The real trick in renovating your home is to do it in ways you will enjoy while also increasing its value. By increasing its base value, you are also increasing your equity in the property and that could come in handy later. More specifically, it will earn you a greater profit when the property is sold and who doesn’t want that? 

When we purchase our homes they automatically become an investment. Whether we intend them to be a monetary gain later or not, they are still an investment. Chiefly, they are an investment in our own lives. No one wants to just reside in their homes. No, we all want to really live in and enjoy our houses.

Many folks will spend hours doing research on this topic. That is all well and good, but we have actually done some of that work for you. Obviously, we can’t cover every way that could increase the equity in your home while also increasing your quality of life, but we have come up with some good ideas. Before we get into specifics, start thinking about the kitchen and curb appeal. Obviously, your kitchen is important because that is where you prepare meals and a real selling point later on when showing your property to possible buyers. Curb appeal is basically the look of your home from the street.

Most people enjoy looking out the window from time to time. That is fine but if your home is older then your windows might be presenting a problem. For starters, they are likely letting the outside into your home a little too much. What do we mean by this? They are letting in too much heat in the summer and spring while letting too much of the cold in during the fall and winter. This can be easily rectified by replacing old windows with new ones.

These days, you can pretty much do whatever you want window-wise, even get shatter-proof windows. While bullet-proof glass might be going a little far, having upgraded windows could save you a lot of cash later. Not only is the glass improved to keep the temperature in the house more stable, but tougher windows mean windows that need to be replaced less. Say a storm blows through and knocks out a few of the older windows, that could’ve been avoided simply by upgrading the windows with glass that is better tempered.

Finally, old windows tend to look, well, older. Not only will your home equity rise because of the better glass, but it will go up with a better look as well and who isn’t happy with lower energy costs.

Improve your Landscaping

Is your yard a little plain? Do you have large areas of dirt where there should be grass?

Are the weeds taking over the entire yard? Yes, it might be time to call in a landscaper and fix all of that. While it isn’t all about looks, it certainly can’t help if the yard looks better. Remember what we mentioned earlier about curb appeal? It isn’t just appealing to potential buyers but to yourself as well. How happy are you with your property when it looks unkempt? The answer is likely not particularly happy. 

A few tips here are to improve upon what you have and add a few new features. There is a reason that literal dream homes have white picket fences. We are not suggesting that your yard necessarily needs a white picket fence. It  could use a little more shade, though and beautiful trees can be added to get some of that. There is also the matter of grass. A good landscaper can easily find you a great deal on sod and have it laid for you. Maybe a sprinkler system would help keep it green. 

Another landscaping factor that most people ignore is shrubbery and flowers. What potential buyer wouldn’t be wooed by a beautiful garden and a nice line of shrubs that act as a miniature fence. It is the little things that count when it comes to landscaping and curb appeal. The best part of improving your landscaping is that it adds equity to your home through physical changes that can be easily seen and also enjoyed by you.

Add a Deck or Porch

Is your yard a little plain? Do you have large areas of dirt where there should be grass?

Are the weeds taking over the entire yard? Yes, it might be time to call in a landscaper and fix all of that. While it isn’t all about looks, it certainly can’t help if the yard looks better. Remember what we mentioned earlier about curb appeal? It isn’t just appealing to potential buyers but to yourself as well. How happy are you with your property when it looks unkempt? The answer is likely not particularly happy. 

A few tips here are to improve upon what you have and add a few new features. There is a reason that literal dream homes have white picket fences. We are not suggesting that your yard necessarily needs a white picket fence. It  could use a little more shade, though and beautiful trees can be added to get some of that. There is also the matter of grass. A good landscaper can easily find you a great deal on sod and have it laid for you. Maybe a sprinkler system would help keep it green. 

Another landscaping factor that most people ignore is shrubbery and flowers. What potential buyer wouldn’t be wooed by a beautiful garden and a nice line of shrubs that act as a miniature fence. It is the little things that count when it comes to landscaping and curb appeal. The best part of improving your landscaping is that it adds equity to your home through physical changes that can be easily seen and also enjoyed by you.

Remodel The Bathroom

If your bathroom looks a little bit (or a lot) like wars have been fought in there, then it is time to give it a new look and replace some of the old fixtures. First and foremost will be the toilet. Not only will you enjoy having a new porcelain god, but chances are it’ll be more appealing to buyers rather than the old one that’s been in there for a decade. 

The second important part of a bathroom remodel is the sink and shower or bathtub. Let’s face it, you’re not enjoying those old and grimy things any more than a potential buyer would and replacing them will increase the equity in your home. 

Don’t just replace them! Upgrade them to something a little fancier that works better. If you have the cash and space then replace that old standard tub with a nice whirlpool tub with massaging jets or something like that. You’re adding value to the home through looks and functionality. 

Finally, repaint the walls, redo the floors with nicer tile and dear god replace that bathroom counter! One of the not so fine features of any bathroom is the amount of water and moisture damage that occurs in them. Mold is not only not a good look for the bathroom but it can be bad for personal health. This isn’t just about enjoying the bathroom more but not getting ill from going into it. A bathroom remodel could cost anywhere from $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 but it is always well worth it in the end.

About The Kitchen…

Are your kitchen cabinets and counter looking a little off these days? That is not unusual given all the action that our kitchens see every day. It is very important for both home equity and quality of life to keep the kitchen up to snuff. Old appliances should be replaced for and quality of life to keep the kitchen up to snuff. Old appliances should be replaced for If your refrigerator is better than ten years old, then it is likely using way too much electricity and not working nearly well enough for its usage output. 

Again, that is just part of the kitchen remodel. Functionality is important but looks are what really adds to your home’s equity. Did you know that at least a third of all homes in the United States have double if not triple door fridges now? That’s right, a double door fridge with a drawer at the bottom for the freezer. Not only are they bigger and provide more space, but most use half the energy of the older style refrigerator/freezer combinations. Then there are glass top stoves that look nicer, work better and are easier to clean! You’ll enjoy it and your home’s equity will rise by another few points. 

Finally, be stylish with your kitchen remodel. Don’t get whacky and make it a completely different style than the rest of the house, but make it look fresh and new. Even a rustic style kitchen looks good if it has just been remodeled. There’s nothing wrong with cherry-wood countertops unless the wood is falling apart, cracked, or otherwise damaged. Most of us spend a lot of time in our kitchens, so why not make it an enjoyable space to be in?

Helpful Tips

If you are wondering where you can get all of this and afford it, well wonder no more. Many  established stores like Lowes and Home Depot not only have all of this, but they also offer lines of credit that can be paid back either over time or at once when you sell your property lines of credit that can be paid back either over time or at once when you sell your property or both. They also have professionals that will not only help you pick out the best styles, but also can set you up with free or discount installation of their products so you don’t have to do it. At the end of the day, it is all about planning. No remodel or upgrade looks good if left half-finished. While some things should be done quickly, others can be done over time and


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